Home/Bags and Pouches/Returnable Mailer Bag

Returnable Mailer Bag

A stock Returnable Mailer Bag is a type of bag that is designed to be used multiple times, making it a more eco-friendly option compared to single-use mailer bags.

  • Made of durable materials to withstand multiple uses.
  • Features a secure closure mechanism, such as a zipper or seal, to keep contents protected during transit.
  • May include a label or other markings to indicate that it is a returnable mailer bag.
Product items (7)
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(W × L)
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12 1⁄2 × 17 1⁄2"
3 product options
available in stock
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Customization Available
(W × L)

14 1⁄2 × 19"
1 product option
is available in stock
Best Market Price
Customization Available
(W × L)

20 × 22"
3 product options
available in stock
Best Market Price
Customization Available
(W × L)

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