Home/Labels/Please Handle with Care - Fragile Label

Please Handle with Care - Fragile Label

A stock "Please Handle with Care - Fragile" Label is a label attached to a package or item to indicate that it is delicate and should be handled with caution.

  • Fragile warning: Clearly communicates that the contents of the package are fragile and require careful handling.
  • Damage prevention: Encourages recipients or handlers to exercise caution to prevent any potential damage.
  • Safety reminder: Serves as a visual reminder to handle the package gently and avoid rough treatment.
Product items (7)
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(W × L)
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2 × 3"
2 product options
available in stock
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Customization Available
(W × L)

2 1⁄2 × 4"
1 product option
is available in stock
Best Market Price
Customization Available
(W × L)

3 × 4"
1 product option
is available in stock
Best Market Price
Customization Available
(W × L)

3 × 5"
1 product option
is available in stock
Best Market Price
Customization Available
(W × L)

4 × 3"
1 product option
is available in stock
Best Market Price
Customization Available
(W × L)

4 × 6"
1 product option
is available in stock
Best Market Price
Customization Available
(W × L)

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